Thursday, March 2, 2017

283 Week 9

283 Week 9

$100 Entrepreneurial Challenge Update:
This week I have been reworking my pricing based on a new recipe. I have also begun putting together an order form and have calendared with my family to determine exactly when to “pull the trigger” on accepting orders and promising delivery.

Acton Hero Summary: Matt Stewart
After participation in a legal profession, Matt Stewart became an entrepreneur when he opened a business called National Services Group which helps painters find money and support to begin local painting businesses. 

He found himself in this business when his job in the legal industry fell apart and he spent the summer painting and trying to maintain an income. When he worked at this, he learned many important values such as integrity.  This business began to fail, so he and another friend bought it and kept it going. 

His company was molded when he had his “biggest struggle” when an employee died on the job.  He began to feel sorry for himself, but this experience became eye opening and he used the opportunity to change his company and to do things better.

He refers to the “inner marketer” as a little demon that tells the entrepreneur to pursue new ventures, and by listening to that “little demon” he has had many experiences that have been the source of learning as well as cost a lot of money.  It has helped him to focus in on what he really wants to do, what his mission is and to avoid the habit of chasing every possibility.  He has learned to focus in on what is most important.   

Mr. Stewart claims that when he has focused on profit, he has failed.  But when he has focused on process, practices, and the people, the profit has just come.

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