Thursday, March 9, 2017

283 Week 10

I really enjoyed looking at possible franchise options this week and learned a lot about the opportunities available for purchase.  In particular, Class 101 caught my eye as a real potential for something I might actually be interested in pursuing.  

$100 Entrepreneurial Challenge Update:
This week for my entrepreneurial challenge, I have simply been talking it up and prepping potential buyers by letting them know that the burritos will be coming in the very near future.  I had intended on selling my burritos this week, but I have been sick with the flu and did not think it was a good time to be prepping and selling food when I have a virus.  So, it must wait another week.

Acton Hero Summary: Catherine Rohr
Catherine Rohr started and became very successful as a Wall Street “financial mogul”.  After a chance meeting with a prisoner in Houston, TX, Mrs. Rohr changed her life and her career path due to this inspiring encounter.  She was so touched with desire to help those in prison find transformation, she began a Prison Entrepreneurship program which would educate prisoners and help them change their lives. 

After commuting for six weeks between Manhattan and Houston, she and her husband decided to sell everything and make the move.  The first night in Houston, thieves broke into her UHAUL and took everything but the clothes she had on her back.
But Mrs. Rohr did not give up and in the first week she was able to recruit enough support to keep going.  By the third year, she expected to raise over three million dollars in support of her program. 

Her reward is to see men who have been imprisoned for murder, gang activity, and other devious crimes, who then get educated through her program and come out on the other side running their own businesses, and becoming good and caring fathers and providers.  This transformation inspires her and keeps her going.

The events that unfolded in her life changed her perceptions, challenged her bias, and pushed her to see and serve outside of herself.  Her own transformation is the result of finding work that is meaningful.

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