Saturday, March 18, 2017

283 Week 11

$100 Entrepreneurial Challenge Update:

Late this week, we purchased all the supplies for my burritos and started collecting orders.  Next we will be making the burritos and freezing them in preparation for delivery next week. 

Acton Hero Summary: Nicole Donnelly

Nicole Donnelly was a “snowboard bum” for seven years, and lived out of her car, then graduated to living out of a trailer.  When her baby girl was getting diaper rashes, she invented baby leg warmers to protect her baby’s legs.  They were fashionable and fun, and began selling like hotcakes.  They sell now, all over the world, and Ms. Donnelly has found huge success.
Ms. Donnelly compared snowboarding to her entrepreneurial experiences.  She says in snowboarding you “commit to the trick” because half way through, you can’t just stop, you have to commit and stick with it till you land.  There are no other real choices.  Stopping half way in the air is dangerous and can cause a lot of harm. You have to commit. 

She learned a lot about team work and leadership by watching and observing how a friend in a very successful company was doing it. 

She also struggled with the books and learned that even if you hire someone to take care of the books for you, you are going to have a hard time if you do not understand what the numbers mean. She recommends that you invest the time and energy to understand your finances or else it will bite you in the backside. 

Being able to use her profits to benefit organizations throughout the world has given her work meaning, and has become the passion and drive behind what she does.

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