Saturday, October 8, 2016

How Will You Measure Your Life

Lessons Learned this Week

How Will You Measure Your Life
Clayton M. Christensen

There were several key insights I gained from this talk that are powerful to me personally, and which I would like to ensure I never forget.  

  • First, business management is about building up people, not accumulating money or even steering a company. Success in my business career should be focused on people and how I am leading them to be better, not on things.   
  • Second, life must have purpose or I will be lost at sea “without a rudder”. I must know my purpose and remember it in every decision I make.   
  • Third, I must “allocate my resources” wisely.  My resources are my time, talents, and energy.  I should be strategic and not wasteful about how I am choosing to use those resources every single day.  I can make sure the uses of those resources are purposeful and meaningful.  
  •  Fourth, a culture must be established early at home. This was an insight I found reassuring, as something I can see powerful evidences of its benefits in the strong character and the confidence of the smart and capable high schoolers I now have.  In this area, we are doing well and I know I must continue to persist and not slacken my stride for the little ones still learning.
  • Fifth, be firm in principles.  Even “just once” should not be acceptable when it comes to obedience to the laws of morality, or of God.   
  • Sixth, smarter people are not the only ones who have something to teach me.  Be humble.  I can seek to learn something from everyone I come in contact with.  
  • Finally, seventh, I must always remember the yard stick I will be measured by, and know that I cannot be distracted with the worldly measuring stick.  I must always keep focused on the Lord’s measuring stick so that one day I may stand before him and know that according to Him, my life was a success.

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