Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Code of Conduct

Lessons learned this week:

Sister Dew taught us the importance and critical character trait of integrity in her talk entitled, True Blue, Through and Through, BYU-I Devotional, March 2004.  This talk was profound and beautifully written.  In it she offers seven things that will help us be women and men of integrity.  Below I have listed her 7 things accompanied with the insights I gained from each of her steps toward becoming a person of integrity.

1.      “Decide today, once and for all, that you will be worthy of trust.”  We have the power within ourselves to simply not accept anything less.  We can decide, and that decision, already made, will empower us in times of temptation.

2.      “Have faith that the Lord can and will help you, and then diligently seek His help.” The Lord wants us to be successful.  We must believe that he can help us overcome our tendencies or temptations to let our integrity fail.  When we believe, and turn to the Lord, through the power of his Atonement, he can strengthen and fortify us against our weaknesses.  We must simply let Him.

3.      “Make covenants and keep them.”  Our covenants bring power into our lives and an added measure of strength.  When we make and keep sacred covenants, we enter into a partnership with God, yoking ourselves to him.  He then has the power to bring us through the muddy pits of life, and to the other side, victorious.

4.      “Stand up for what you believe.” Do not shy away from standing for righteous principles out of fear of rejection.  Sometimes you will be surprised at how many people are grateful you had the courage to stand for the correct thing.

5.      “Expect your integrity to be challenged.”  Satan is not going to take your integrity lying down. Plan on his attacks, on a regular basis.  Be prepared for them.

6.      “Don’t give up.” Sister Dew went on to say, “So learn to delight in repenting and obeying…” because it will be hard and we will mess up, but we must never give up.

7.      “Covenant–or perhaps I should say, renew your covenant–with our Father and His Son to do what you came here to do.”  We must “remember” one way or another, the promises we made before we came here.  The Lord will help us do it, and from that understanding we will be strengthened to keep our promises.

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