Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The "Start-up of You"

Important lessons from this week:

A.     Contemplating the following questions now, will assist me in ensuring I will be happy and satisfied in the end of my life.  I can use these as part of my guardrail as I make both personal and professional decisions throughout my life.
  1. Did I accomplish something meaningful?
  2. Was I a good person?
  3. Who did I love and who loved me?
I must always remember that no money, no fame, no success or power can compensate for or make me truly happy.

B.     To discover my calling in life, I can consider the following ingredients:
  • Gifts and strengths
  • Joys/passions
  • World’s deep burning needs
As I discover my God given gifts and strengths, and couple them with what brings me joy, or the things I can be or are passionate about, and find a local niche of need where I can impact my little corner of the world, I will find the greatest fulfillment in my work, and will likely find real success.

C.      The next step in my journey will be to choose to be thoughtful and to ask questions that will help me to set my priorities.  This will require me to look back on where I have been, consider where I am now, and decide where I am heading.  This will include introspection about all the things previously mentioned; identifying my strengths and passions, and what brings me joy, then looking for where to use them in the world.

D.     I am in control of my journey.  Charles Noble said, “First we make our habits, then our habits make us.”

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