Friday, January 20, 2017

283 Week 3

This week I enjoyed learning about substantive conflict.  As a facilitator of strategic planning in my past and hopefully future work experience, this topic was on point for my career.  The Harvard Manage Mentor assignment put words to ideas that I am familiar with and helped to articulate what I can do to better help teams understand the creative process.

$100 Entrepreneurial Challenge Update:
This week I researched more closely, five different ideas for what I could do for my challenge.  I settled on making breakfast burritos as my top idea.  I took the idea to Facebook and asked my network of friends and family if this is something they could support.  I received excellent feedback as I got commitments from teacher friends and their departments, friends and neighbors, etc.  I also had a couple of people offer up great recipes as well as offer to help me with the making and selling of my product.  I feel the overall support was huge and I am excited to take the next steps to bring my project to fruition.

Acton Hero Summary: Tom Monaghan
Tom Monaghan began a pizzeria called Dominick.  After learning that the man they named it after did not want his name used anymore, the pizzeria became Dominos. In the pizza industry, he innovated around process by adopting the idea of delivery.  Monaghan also owned the Detroit Tigers.
But when Monaghan read CS Lewis and was touched after reading about the concept of pride, he was changed.  He realized he was a prideful man.  He realized he was working to have more, rather than working to do good.  He struggled after reading this book and realized he was guilty of being prideful and needed to change.  This shifted his thinking and he learned to be happy without things. He began to believe that the most important thing was “the eternal”. He took a “millionaires vow of poverty.”
This shift in him led him to do charitable work, to make his money go to work for the most good, “to save the most souls”. He put his efforts into higher education where he has given away the majority of what he has been able to accrue.
His current charitable work is based on values that relate to spirituality and spiritual growth.  His work is inclusive and grows as large as it can as he invites others to work with him.

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